How to still have SUMMER FUN & Stay on Schedule!

summer ideas for kids
 If you are like a lot of homeschool moms you are working on school throughout the year. We homeschool all year long with very few "Scheduled" days off. This gives us the flexibility to have days off as needed. We used to do a 6 weeks on 2 weeks off schedule and a few others but we have found the current way much easier!
        That being said we do still want to enjoy our summer without taking huge chunks of our summer off. We try to plan a vacation and small trips when we can but I've come up with a list that requires NO planning what so ever. There's no lists of things you may need to buy or prepare. You just GO or do the day that works best for you.
        Here's the free printable list. If you find these things aren't your families style try to think of easy special things YOUR kids would enjoy!
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summer fun checklist


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