5 Things I wish I'd known BEFORE homeschooling

5 things i wish i'd known before homeschooling

Ok first off, I did TONS of research on homeschooling before we decided to pull our then 1st grader out of public school. Not for the pros and cons or the reasons why I should. We knew all that. We knew its what we were going to do. My husband was home schooled so that made our decision easier. I was researching how to be the "perfect" home school mom. Since then I have came back to real life, so here's a list of my 5 things I wish I'd known!

1-I wish I'd known that Pintrest & 10 min You tube videos aren't always a reality.
   Don't get me wrong i am a fanatic. I get so much inspiration and motivation from both but I looked at those sweet patient mommas with toddlers sitting quietly playing so well while she breastfed a newborn that she had like 2 minutes ago as she was making a video of her gorgeously organized home school room tour decked out in the latest Ikea trofast system storage. Yeah...I went there. Don't lie...you were probably thinking the same. I have since learned that school happens in all places and ways. Those mamas are going thru the hard times too. Let's give her props for pulling the messy hair up and getting a great video out for us!

2- I wish I'd known i didn't HAVE to have an all in one curriculum or even one at all.
My husband came from what i call a "Abeka Family" they bought everything for that grade and went by the book. I spent many weeks trying to figure out what we could afford. Then I came across a blog speaking on the subject. I was so relieved. I know so many home school families that follow every page and are miserable. I eventually found Easy Peasy free online homeschool http://allinonehomeschool.com/ . I felt like i had been under a rock! I immediately started it with my 3 year old daughter. For our son we use a little of this & that. More on that later.

3-I wish I'd known that it isn't all fun, games, painting and projects with math & reading thrown in here and there throughout the day. I love being a kid! I love getting messy in the paint & doing cool projects with my kiddos, but it isn't a reality. We are lucky to fit one activity in a week where we can just have fun. Don't get me wrong we do have fun everyday. I make every subject fun and as interactive as possible but its alot of work to get everything out and organized to extra everyday. My 3 yo does get to play a lot in her work boxes (play dough,bead stringing,etc)

4- I wish I'd known that I would have to "DeSchool" my son.
I had no idea that deschooling was all about letting them get used to be at home & get into a new routine. I didn't realize how important it was for both of us. He was home all summer so i just assumed that was good enough. Poor guy missed his friends and didn't understand how to learn new easier ways that i was trying to teach him. I failed to think that its all new to him. He was used to a very structured environment to learn in. I wanted to cry every time we would start math & he would zone out. Now just a few months later he is calm cool and collected. He brags about being homeschooled. His confidence is up and he's thriving! Take time to be gentle and understanding in those first few weeks. Maybe just read a few books together and do some puzzles!
5-I wish I'd known that other moms are just like me & some days everything just doesn't get done. 
We all try to be perfect in our on little ways. We try to please everyone. My husband likes every subject done each day for both kids. I still cringe a little when my 3 year old says she played on the ipad all day(she does starfall lol) and colored a few pictures when he asks the kids what they learned today because the house was a wreck and my son needed a little more time with me that day. Thankfully he now gets it too. We can try our best and that's all we can hope for!

I hope these help you a little and if they did please share & subscribe to my blog! It would be so appreciated! Thanks & God Bless!


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