Our 4th Of July | Day In The Life

Confession... This is only one night of our Independence Day weekend events. We had such a packed fun filled weekend that we did not expect or plan for so much of the weekend was a swift blur of fireworks, burgers, & 98 degree heat.  This is however our highlight every year. A sweet family in our community hosts an event each year. A few years ago, we were originally invited from a friend on my husbands fire dept. only to find out that his sister is in our homeschool co-op etc etc... Small World! Of course, everyone in our tiny mountain holler is going to know each other in some way. So it may not be family but it sure feels like it. Like any true southern gathering you bring your own meat for the grill, the women bring the fixins and desserts and we eat, play and watch fireworks & celebrate our freedom.  Here's a long but fun look into our weekend!


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