Burr, Winter has finally decided to pop in and say Hi to us in the south. The last few chilly mornings I've had one song in mind. "I really must go.....ahh but you'll freeze out there" I can't think of anything better than being snuggled up with my love in a cozy buffalo print throw. So that has inspired my December subscriber freebie along with my addiction with my December Daily & just scrapbooking in general. ( I know, I know...I promised to not do another post!) But seriously y'all this has taken over my mind. I'm just so in love with my family, my life, and everything right now that I've just been soaking it in. This freebie can be resized and used for anything. Whether you are a scrapbooker or you are looking for some cute winter art I think this months freebie will work for you. I plan to blow this up and mod podge it on some wood I have laying around. Don't forget to tag me on Instagram if you use this freebie!
*This is a subscriber only freebie. To get your free download & any other past downloads just hit subscribe here and your freebie will be on the way! Current subscribers your freebie is already in your inbox just look for the December newsletter*